Monday, September 22, 2014

Dangers of cooking and alcohol consumption highlighted during Campus Fire Safety Month

It's widely known that drinking and driving don't mix, but not much has been said about the dangers of drinking and cooking. Yup, you heard right ... accidents can and do happen in the kitchen when alcohol consumption is involved. 

This week, as we continue our conversation about campus fire safety, please consider all safety measures when cooking in your college apartment, whether you're on campus or off. We've all been there (yes, even those of us a bit older than college age) ... coming home after a party and scrambling around the kitchen to prepare a meal to satisfy our hunger. Did you know that most dorm fires occur in the evening between the hours of 5 pm - 11 pm, and on weekends? If you stop and think about it, it makes sense. It's when most of us are returning from a day or evening of socializing and enjoying a cocktail or two.

But as you know, alcohol severely impairs our motor and brain functions and that's especially dangerous when we're engaged in activities like driving a car, making important or life saving decisions and yes, even when we're preparing a meal. Couple that with being tired and sleepy after a day of festivities and our risk for injuries shoots even higher.

So the next time you come home hungry after having a few drinks or if you're tired and not feeling your very best, opt out of cooking any meals that require a stove or oven, and consider making something that offers fewer risks and is easy to prepare.

NFPA has some great resources that are easy to download and keep handy in your dorm room or on a bulletin board or your fridge in the kitchen. The campus fire safety infographic provides some quick tips and statistics that will keep awareness of cooking fire safety top of mind. Our campus and dorm fire safety sheet is a another great resource that provides a number of easy-to-remember tips you can check often to make sure you're practicing all the right moves.

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